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Compliance and Operations

Our team is well-positioned to ensure clients achieve regulatory compliance for both onshore and offshore operations.

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With frequent engagement with environmental regulators and statutory consultees, our team is well-positioned to ensure clients achieve regulatory compliance for both onshore and offshore operations. Our capabilities include the development of environmental management plans and procedures, and preparation of technical reports and guidance documents, such as:

We provide bespoke environmental training out clients, further details can be found here


Our capabilities include supporting necessary permit applications and variations under various national legislative requirements. 

Energy Auditing

Our team is skilled in conducting energy audits that comply with the European Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme (ESOS) and in line with ISO50001. Our Lead Assessors are also qualified to sign off energy assessments carried out under ESOS.

UK Compliance Expertise

Utilising BEIS’s Portal Environmental Tracking System (PETS) to manage all permitting of offshore oil and gas installations and activities. Our in-depth knowledge and understanding of the PETS process includes: 

  • Survey consents
  • Consent to locate  
  • Marine licenses 
  • EIA directions  
  • Chemical permitting 
  • Oil pollution prevention and control 
  • Combustion installations pollution prevention and control 
  • EU emissions trading system 
  • Oil pollution preparedness 

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