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Genesis selected to carry out the pre-FEED phase of Hyrasia One led by Svevind Energy

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Genesis has been supporting the Hyrasia One project through 2023/2024. The contract was awarded by Hyrasia One—a subsidiary of the European cleantech group SVEVIND Energy Group — which is developing a major wind-solar-hydrogen plant in Kazakhstan. The project is one of the world’s largest green hydrogen projects, with plans to produce up to 2 million tons of green hydrogen or 11 million tonnes of green ammonia per year from 2030.

To do this, millions of solar panels and thousands of wind turbines will be installed in the vast steppes of southwestern Kazakhstan, which together can generate around 40 gigawatts of renewable electricity using the ideal wind and solar conditions in Kazakhstan. This energy will then be transported close to the Kazakh coastal city of Kuryk to produce green hydrogen via water electrolysis. The hydrogen will then be converted into ammonia via synthesis plants.

The Preliminary Front-End Engineering and Design (pre-FEED) phase will lay the groundwork for the planning of Hyrasia one’s implementation. 

A ceremonial signing of the contract took place with Technip Energies Vice President Services & PMC Stephane Mespoulhes and SVEVIND CEO Wolfgang Kropp during the visit of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Kazakh Prime Minister Älihan Smaiylov to launch the geological drilling of the new project phase. 


“Genesis is extremely proud to be awarded the Hyrasia one Pre-FEED including the renewable, hydrogen and ammonia scopes. We are working with the developer Svevind AB as an integrated team to develop one of the worlds biggest renewable ammonia plants, powered by wind and solar. Together, we will overcome challenges of technology integration, scaling and intermittency management.”

Helen Coleman, Managing Director, Genesis

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