Project type: FEED including Feasibility Studies
Customer: SASOL Exploration and Production International (SEPI)
Location: Mozambique
The challenge on this project was to develop the Front End Engineering and Design (FEED), capital cost estimate and plan for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) of the surface facilities associated with the Mozambique PSA Development in only 8 months.
The Mozambique PSA Development is in the Inhambane province of southern Mozambique between the towns of Vilanculos and Inhassoro. There has been significant oil and gas exploration in the area and there are existing production facilities for the Temane and Pande fields. The existing developments and the PSA Development are all onshore.
SEPI has a Petroleum Sharing Agreement (PSA) in the Inhambane province of Mozambique. A Petroleum Production Agreement (PPA) held by SEPI and its partners covers the original producing assets of the Temane and Pande fields.
Working closely with the SEPI management team from the start of FEED, an early understanding of the SEPI priorities and schedule for the development of the oil and gas surface facilities for the Mozambique PSA Development were established. To compliment this understanding, key members of the FEED team visited the site early in the FEED to gain familiarity with the operating environment, work practices and the operational constraints to be considered in both the FEED design and plant operation.
The basis for the FEED was Conceptual work developed with SEPI by our world class Create team who had used proprietary processes to create options for concept identification, screening and selection to provide the optimal development solution; taking account of field development costs, availability, operating envelopes, contracting strategies and business risks. During the execution of the FEED, the knowledge and experience that the Create team had accumulated was readily accessible to the FEED team.
Our expertise in Pipeline Engineering and Flow Assurance came to the fore in both the execution of the FEED, whilst in parallel carrying out specific feasibility studies and supporting inspection work being carried out by SEPI.
Working closely with SEPI operations engineering, our process engineers developed the process design to take into account the particular requirements of SEPI operations. A similar approach was adopted, equally successful, by all engineering disciplines.
The key benefit of working in this way was the completion of the HAZOP on schedule enabling the FEED, the Project Cost Estimate and EPCM plan to be completed on schedule.
The FEED team demonstrated flexibility in working with the Client Management and Engineering teams, whilst delivering to the milestones required to achieve the FEED schedule.
We were able to resource the FEED by transferring, as required, the necessary skills and personnel, from within the Company, globally.
The FEED commenced on 21st FEB14 and was delivered on 31st OCT14, on schedule. The FEED team peaked at 70 personnel.